Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme

Az Everest az MEKH által bejegyzett hitelesítő szervezetként, egyedülálló IT rendszerével és tanúsító szakértelmével energetikai auditálást vállal az energiakötelezettségi rendszerben Partnerei részére.

Participants & Tasks of EEOS

The obligated parties of the EEOS are electricity and natural gas traders and providers; as well as retailers of transportation fuels to end-users (e.g., gas stations, fuel retailers). The obligated parties must implement energy efficiency investments to the extent determined by the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH), resulting in energy savings for end-users. The investments carried out must be audited and authenticated by organizations listed in the official directory.

What does this mean in practice?

The obligated parties must provide energy efficiency measures and energy consulting to their end-users, which help achieve actual and substantiated energy savings.

Energy consulting and the associated energy audit must include, among other things:

  • A survey documenting the state before the energy investment
  • Detailed description of energy efficiency improvement measures or investments along with the necessary energy calculations
  • Documentation of the equipment used during the implemented energy investment and the necessary contractor declarations

The obligated parties have the opportunity to fulfill their obligation in sectors other than their own activities, and they can combine the achieved savings

The EEOS abbreviation stands for the Energy Efficiency Obligation System. The EEOS successfully implemented in 16 member states in Europe, is that the obligated parties must introduce programs and implement measures that result in verified energy savings on the end-user side. In the case of Hungary, this means the energy consumption should not exceed the 2005 level by 2030.

Everest's nearly 10 years of experience in the energy market provide an excellent foundation for our high-quality, comprehensive energy consulting and audit services